Air Canada used to operate a direct flight from Ottawa to Vancouver at 18:35. Recently they changed the schedule and it now leaves at 17:35. We usually fly between Iqaluit and Ottawa on First Air, however they depart Iqaluit at 13:45 and arrive in Ottawa at 16:50 whereas Canadian North departs at 13:15 and arrives at 16:20. With this in mind Blaine booked his flight out with Canadian North. Today the Canadian North flight was running late. It is supposed to arrive in Iqaluit at 12:15 but when we got to the airport there were no jets to be seen. Blaine went inside to find out what was going on and was told that it would land at 12:58 and depart at 13:30.

We took the dogs for a walk then went home for a sandwich. The plane came in to land as we were driving back to the airport at exactly12:58. I came back home and got changed then headed out skiing with the dogs I heard a jet take off at 13:40 and looked up to see the First Air plane climbing skyward. The Canadian North flight left at 13:54, happily they were able to make up time in the air and landed at 16:34 so Blaine made his connection.