Tuesday, September 6, 2011


On labour day (first Monday in September) we took the dogs for a walk in Sylvia Grinnell park. Autumn has turned the tundra into a beautiful blanket of colour that hides a tasty secret - berries. Fellow blogger Jocelyn has gone to the trouble of naming the three types of berry that grow here. I only collected a small handful which I ate as we walked but I may take a day off work for a more thorough attempt, the City allows employees to take two cultural days (Berry Picking and Clam Digging) during the summer.



  1. Which are your favorite Emma? I like the blueberries the best.

  2. Hey, need to figure out my blog settings so I get notified when someone comments.

    Yep me too, they have the most flavour and the least graininess! I still might take a day off and do some focussed picking, although I see people selling them by the bagfull on facebook...
