Sunday, January 22, 2012

Sunday Blizzard

Today there is a blizzard warning in effect. Looking out the kitchen window the sky doesn't look the least bit threatening but I am inclined to play safe believe environment Canada on these things. Last Sunday there was a blizzard warning and you could barely see 10 foot at times. Annoyingly, as with last weekend, the blizzard is set to clear overnight so it is unlikely that we will get a day off tomorrow.  The city closes during severe blizzards because it is just not safe to have everyone on the roads. Indeed if the Government of Nunavut declares a "blizzard day" your car insurance is invalid during that time so you can't go anywhere.

Yesterday we went out for an awesome skidoo ride to some friends' cabin up the river. It was much more tiring than I expected. It isn't safe to travel along the river, the ice isn't strong enough and there are lots of rocks, so we had to follow the path of the river along it's uneven rocky banks. My back, shoulders, arms and legs are all aching today. The ride to the cabin was tricky because there was this really flat light so you couldn't see the contours of the land very well. Literally on the doorstep of the cabin I flipped my skidoo because I hadn't been able to make out a snow drift.

Blaine and I had been invited to stay the night but we declined as we already had arranged to go out with a friend, the dogs couldn't come to the cabin, and we were both recovering from a cold so didn't want to make the others sick. As we were getting ready to leave around 2pm a group of rangers came by, they were heading to their camp down the river so we got an escort part way home. The light was totally different and the trail was easy to see, but I kept getting distracted by the beautiful setting sun. I thought about taking photos but was unwilling to get my hand cold so I have no image to share, but believe me it was wonderful.

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