Sunday, January 8, 2012

Sunday Drive

On Thursday morning we stepped outside the house to find one of our skidoos and both covers missing. Blaine phoned the RCMP while I posted on Facebook and printed posters. A number of people reported seeing the machine racing around through the night and early on Thursday morning so Blaine drove around putting up posters and looking for his machine. At about 11am he spotted it outside a residence so called the RCMP to come do their thing and called me to bring the keys over. Presumably in an attempt to disguise the machine the hood had been removed along with a wooden box that was mounted on the back. None of the missing stuff was inside the residence so we posted a reward for the return of the remaining items. By noon on Saturday we had everything back and Blaine spent the evening with some wire, super glue and duct tape doing a MacGyver repair job in the front room.

Sunday morning I took the dogs skiing for an hour to give Blaine the space to finish up the repairs and reassemble his machine. After a breakfast burrito and a nice cup of tea to warm us we began the task of layering our clothing ready for a skidoo ride. Mike and Megan led the way with me in the middle and Blaine bringing up the rear to make sure I didn't fall or whatever. The four of us headed out past Sylvia Grinnell park and "on the land". Each of us had a slightly different opinion as to our direction of travel but as we were following a heavily used trail we weren't concerned. I believe we went South West and since it is my blog I can write what I like! After about an hour we turned for home, and into the wind. Fortunately my confidence was growing so we were able to go much faster on the homeward journey. Some more snow would be nice, the sound of the skis scraping over rocks is not a pleasant one, but it was awesome to get out and I was very happy indeed to have another drive without rolling my sled!

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